What was your hardest subject in school? Math? Writing? Just think about how hard it would have been to tackle that subject if you couldn't even see the chalkboard, or hear the teacher.
It seems pretty simple. A child who can't see or hear can't succeed. And the experts tell us, experiencing success early in school is critical to succeeding....in life! That's why since 1987, the KEX Kids Fund has provided vision and hearing care - examinations, eyeglasses and hearing aids - to children whose families cannot otherwise provide them. We work with a network of care providers who offer their services at reduced costs, which means we're able to provide a pair of glasses for $125, a hearing aid for $800.
Our program is completely funded by donations from individuals, organizations and local businesses and operates with very little overhead.
Thousands of kids from 15 counties in Oregon and Southwest Washington have benefited. We hear frequently from them and their families. Their letters often tell of children who had never done well in school, but who immediately became excellent students simply because they were given glasses or hearing aids.
But it can't happen without your help. Costs continue to rise; the number of children in need continues to grow. You can help them by contributing what you can to the KEX Kids Fund. It might be the simplest writing or math problem you've ever had! And we'll do the rest - working with all of the schools to identify the kids in need, then connecting them with vision and hearing care professionals.
We think helping these kids succeed early in life might actually prevent much larger problems later on. Glasses and hearing aids might be all it takes. Like we said, it seems pretty simple.
Please visit the original article published on this site:
Source: http://www.1190kex.com/pages/kids_fund/index.php
Dr. Jerry Darm of Aesthetic Medicine in Portland, OR is a proud sponsor of KEX Kids Funds.
Dr. Darm has practiced aesthetic medicine for the past 15 years, performing over 50,000 laser procedures. Previously, Dr. Darm was a board certified Emergency Medicine physician (ER doctor) with over 20 years experience. He graduated from Stanford University with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and a minor in Psychology. His medical training was obtained at OHSU.
Dr. Darm opened his private practice, Aesthetic Medicine, in 1995. Initially specializing in weight loss, he expanded to include hair removal and rosacea treatments in 1997. Since that time, new services have been added yearly to promote health, wellness and beauty. Dr. Darm has pioneered his own trademark procedure, LaserLift™ for the treatment of wrinkles, and LipoLift™ for the treatment of unwanted fat and cellulite. He is internationally recognized and sought out by patients from all over the world.
Log on to www.drdarm.com for more information or call at 503 697 9777 to set an appointment.