Friday, September 30, 2011

Dr. Darm, Lipolift II Exilis Therapy by BTL Aesthetics

Dr. Darm, Lipolift II Exilis Therapy by BTL Aesthetics

Dr. Darm, Aesthetic Medicine are pleased to announce that they now offer the latest advancement in nonsurgical, pain free therapy for the reduction of targeted fatty deposits, skin tightening, and sun damaged and/or wrinkles skin anywhere on the face and body.

Exilis is an FDA approved device that offers a non-surgical solution using radio frequency (RF) energy for fat reduction and tissue tightening anywhere on the body. The procedure uses safe radio waves to heat your skin and targeted fat cells. This thermal energy speeds up the metabolic activity of the fat cells causing them to shrinks. At the same time it stimulates and strengthens the collagen network which improves skin laxity texture.

Exilis is one of the first systems that promises actual circumferential reduction. By combining RF energy with cooling, we can treat all areas of the body where stubborn fatty deposits persist or tighter, firmer skin is desired. While the RF is heating the dermis, patients remain relaxed and comfortable as the system's digital thermometer provides real-time monitoring and constant feedback as to the skin's temperature, thus ensuring a comfortable and safe treatment.

Visit for more information and or call at (503) 697 9777 to schedule your free consultation.