Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Dr. Darm, Laserlift for Wrinkles

Dr. Darm
wants to tell about a procedure that is helping a lot of people look their best. Together with one of his many patients, Catherine, went to Studio 6 to tell her story and the non-invasive Laserlift procedure.

Dr. Darm, tell us about the Laserlift and how does it work?
"The Laserlift is a non-invasive procedure and it basically helps to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles, reduces the pore sizes, and it tightens the skin for younger looking you with no downtime, something that you can do on your lunch break."

Katherine, there's so many different things out there, why was this something that you thought you wanted to really check in to and try out?
"Because it was fast, it was easy, and didn't hurt really bad," Catherine answered.

Did you have fine lines, wrinkles, over the years with the natural aging process?
"Gravity wasn't nice to me."

Dr. Darm, take us through the steps because you go in and like I said you can do this on your lunch right?
"Even the upper lid, crow's feet, will tighten up, luster of the skin and the pore sizes improve immensely. It is like getting a new skin. Looking on the before and after, you can see the wrinkles on the eyes, the bags under the eyes really improved nicely. Look on the forehead it's totally different look." Dr. Darm replied.

It is really noticeable. Is it something where mainly the face?
"The face and also, you can tighten the neck, and some wrinkles on the decolletage. It refreshes you look, not looking so tired anymore, and no matter your age you can really makes some improvements."

So tell us about the actual, is it one laser and you put that gel on?
"We have been working this procedure for many years and added several lasers and just recently I have a third laser which helps with the tightening. We do 8 treatments and even after the last treatment you will continue to improve for a year. We've seen patients 3 to 5 years later and they look better than 3 or 5 years ago, " Dr. answered.

Katherine said that she might be going on some touch up later on and her husband said that he really can tell the difference by simply looking at her. He will tell to Catherine each time she goes home that she looks so much better.

Is it immediate for some of you patients?
"Some of the skin tightening you can see the results right away but other aspects of it take a while to morph . It's just a wonderful procedure for somebody who doesn't want to do the more invasive types of procedure. This is really nice and immediate." Dr. said.

I was gonna ask you who would be a good candidate because there are so many procedures these days, you do botox and fillers, who would be the ideal person to go and get this done?
"Anybody from 30-80 years old who wants to improve their appearance and who does not necessary go to the more non-invasive and expensive procedure."

Katherine you look amazing just in time for the holidays.

For more information about Dr. Darm visit his website or call (1-888) 697 9717 for your free consultation.