Sun damage can occur through direct sunlight or by over exposure in a tanning booth. Over exposure causes premature aging, wrinkles, loss of skin elasticity, brownish spots known as "age spots" or "liver spots" and several types of cancer. Even dark skin can be damaged by the sun but very light skin is the most.
Intense pulsed light (IPL) devices used at Dr. Darm's Aesthetic Medicine, such as the Syneron IPL can target damaged areas while sparing undamaged areas. Biopsies of these areas have shown actual reversal of scarring, inflammation, broken capillaries, and pigmentation which characterized sun damaged skin. By adding a very small amount of liquid nitrogen to pinpoint precancerous and pigmented areas, significant rejuvenation can be accomplished with minimal down time. Several treatments are required to achieve desired results but rejuvenation can be dramatic. The combination of these two noninvasive modalities is much more effective than any single treatment. These treatments are relatively painless.
FREE 3 Liquid Nitrogen treatments with the purchase of a Sun Damage package. Call us at (503) 697 9777 for a free consultation.