Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Dr. Darm, RevLite Laser

From non-ablative skin resurfacing, wrinkle and acne scar reduction to tattoo removal, hair removal and treatment of pigmented and vascular lesions, the RevLite® laser is engineered to provide safe, effective treatments for a wide range of aesthetic needs.

RevLite® features a proprietary variation of the PhotoAcoustic engineering pioneered by HOYA ConBio nearly two decades ago with the original MedLite Q-Switched Nd:YAG lasers. The hallmark of PhotoAcoustic technology is high peak power and short pulse duration. This generates a PhotoAcoustic action against the target molecule, whether it’s collagen, tattoo ink or pigment. Forcing energy at such a high rate, the molecules vibrate and shatter, without any harm to the surrounding skin. This PhotoAcoustic action is different from the traditional photothermal effect that many lasers use to target chromophores with bulk heat. A flat-top beam profile delivers high energy evenly over the skin’s surface, which significantly minimizes epidermal injury. RevLite takes this PhotoAcoustic action one step further with PhotoAcoustic Technology Pulse (PTP) — a unique dispersion of maximum energy that delivers very narrow pulse widths at up to 60 percent more power. The unique nanosecond pulse configuration cause a dual collagen stimulation action – delivering both a PhotoAcoustic effect and a subtle photothermal effect from the pulse delivery. Aesthetic treatments with RevLite are safe, patient-friendly and require no downtime, epidermal cooling or messy gels.

Anti-Aging Maintenance™
RevLite is a safe, fast, effective method for skin rejuvenation, whether used as a one-time treatment or as part of an ongoing Anti-Aging Maintenance regimen. The PhotoAcoustic “shockwaves” reorganize the skin’s collagen into parallel arrays of compact fibers, giving skin an overall tightening and inducing ongoing dermal remodeling, without any downtime or messy cooling gels. In a recent clinical study of patients treated with the RevLite over 6 bi-weekly sessions, the PTP mode showed superior results in improving wrinkle amount and depth, appearance of pores, number of whiteheads and skin laxity– with significantly lower patient discomfort than standard Q-switched technology. After an initial treatment series of 6 to 8 sessions, doctors report that patients frequently opt to come in for monthly or quarterly “touch up” sessions to maintain smooth, radiant, younger-looking skin — while continuing to build collagen long-term.

Tattoo Removal
RevLite is built on the same foundation as the MedLite, known as the goldstandard device for multi-color tattoo removal. RevLite harnesses high peak power to gently shatter the tattoo ink particles, which are gradually removed by the body’s natural processes. Optional MultiLite handpieces allow physicians to convert RevLite’s 532 nm wavelength to either 585 nm or 650 nm. Including the core 1064 nm setting, that’s a total of four wavelengths to tackle multi-color tattoos. Award-winning, proven technology treats even stubborn tattoos with virtually no risk of scarring or pigment changes.

Epidermal & Dermal Pigmented Lesions
RevLite’s multiple wavelengths make it ideal for treating a wide variety of pigmented lesions on all skin types, including brown “age” spots, solar lentigines, cafĂ©-au-lait lesions, melasma, Nevus of Ota and aberrant Mongolian Spot. Most lesions can be removed quickly with little to no risk of hypopigmentation.

Acne Scar Reduction
The nonablative skin resurfacing benefits of the RevLite are ideal for treatment of acne scars, providing immediate and long-term benefits. Clinical studies† show that Q-Switched Nd:YAG treatment of mild to moderate atrophic acne scars showed a significant improvement in skin smoothness of 23% after one treatment, increasing to 39.2% six months later. Patients see visible improvement in less than five sessions.

Hair Reduction
Safe for all skin colors and even tanned skin, RevLite is an ideal choice for hair removal. A large (6mm and 8 mm) spot size enables fast, efficient treatments of areas including legs and backs. PhotoAcoustic action is especially effective in treating dark vellus hair where high peak power is needed to selectively target the fine hair follicles.

Vascular Lesion Removal
The RevLite’s 532 and 585 nm wavelengths are effective at removing a wide variety of vascular lesions, including telangiectasias, angiomas, spider veins, port wine stains and Campbell de Morgan spots.

Dr. Darm is one of the first provider of RevLite laser and is available at Aesthetic Medicine in Portland, Oregon. Visit DrDarm.com for more information or call at (503) 503 69777 for a free consultation.

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