Latest blogs, news, specials, and updates on the different laser and aesthetic procedures of Dr. Darm's Aesthetic Medicine in Portland, OR. BBB Business Accredited Rated A+.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Dr. Darm, Lipolift II Exilis Therapy by BTL Aesthetics
Dr. Darm, Lipolift II Exilis Therapy by BTL Aesthetics
Dr. Darm, Aesthetic Medicine are pleased to announce that they now offer the latest advancement in nonsurgical, pain free therapy for the reduction of targeted fatty deposits, skin tightening, and sun damaged and/or wrinkles skin anywhere on the face and body.
Exilis is an FDA approved device that offers a non-surgical solution using radio frequency (RF) energy for fat reduction and tissue tightening anywhere on the body. The procedure uses safe radio waves to heat your skin and targeted fat cells. This thermal energy speeds up the metabolic activity of the fat cells causing them to shrinks. At the same time it stimulates and strengthens the collagen network which improves skin laxity texture.
Exilis is one of the first systems that promises actual circumferential reduction. By combining RF energy with cooling, we can treat all areas of the body where stubborn fatty deposits persist or tighter, firmer skin is desired. While the RF is heating the dermis, patients remain relaxed and comfortable as the system's digital thermometer provides real-time monitoring and constant feedback as to the skin's temperature, thus ensuring a comfortable and safe treatment.
Visit for more information and or call at (503) 697 9777 to schedule your free consultation.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Dr. Darm, AMNW Segment: Lipolift III for your neck
LipoLift III for Your Neck
February 3, 2011
A sagging neck can not only make a person self conscious but it can also be uncomfortable. Dr Darm of Aesthetic Medicine was joined by patient Carol Hilton today to share with us how Lipolift III can dramatically improve your profile and eliminate discomfort at the same time.
Dr. Darm, Requiring Continuing Education for Your Staff by Carrie Rossenfield
Requiring Continuing Education for Your Staff
By Carrie Rossenfeld
Certainly your employees were qualified for their positions when you hired them, but have they remained up to speed with relevant developments in the healthcare world? If not, you could be opening your practice up to a wide range of problems.
"Given the complexity of healthcare and the rapid pace of healthcare research, education for all who perform medical procedures should be a lifelong or career-long endeavor," says Dale Grube, associate dean of continuing education at the University of Kansas Medical Center Continuing Education in Kansas City, Ks.
Also, making sure staff is educated within the scopes of their job performance divides more efficiently within a practice the responsibility of remaining updated. "It is near impossible for healthcare providers that are heads-down in practice to stay current on every updated guideline, recommendation, or research on their own," says Daria Byrne, EdD, MSN, RN and clinical solutions analyst with MEDSEEK in Birmingham, Ala. "This is where continuing education comes in."
How staff education benefits you
Quite simply, continuing education is an important legal and medical safety measure for you, your practice, your staff and your patients.
"By effectively training your staff, you keep both your patients and employees protected," adds Dr. Jerry Darm, medical director for Aesthetic Medicine in Portland, Ore. "It also eliminates potential exposure to malpractice and workman comp claims."
Legal issues aside, continuing education keeps your staff motivated and growing, which translates into decreased employee turnover. "Staff turnover is both expensive and disruptive," says Amy Bernard, MS, BSN, RN-BC and director of continuing education for American Dental Institute and Western Schools in West Bridgewater, Mass. "Continuing education boosts staff confidence, morale, job satisfaction and productivity - all of which improve staff retention and performance."
Most importantly, Bernard adds, improved staff performance optimizes clinical outcomes for patients, resulting in greater patient satisfaction and heightened patient loyalty, which leads to greater pride and profitability for your practice.
What type of continuing education is best?
When considering which education measures to require of your staff, first look to your state medical and/or dental boards to see what's required and ensure that you're in compliance.Also consider basic certifications such as CPR, which may be necessary for your practice.
"Post-graduate continuing education requirements for nurses vary by state as do the requirements for pharmacists and other allied professionals," Grube says. "Health professionals should select accredited continuing education that is directly applicable to their scope of practice."
Also, it's wise for you to require your healthcare staff to get additional and/or required training on new procedures you're offering or on new equipment you're using, Grube advises.
"Look for programs or activities that will enhance job performance or practice," recommends Bernard. "Consider the direction the office practice is taking. Are there new technologies or procedures that might be incorporated into your office practice that you want staff to learn?"
And, don't forget to include employees in the decision-making process. "The employee should be involved in identifying what their needs are - what gaps in knowledge and/or skills they need to address to better meet the needs of their patients," Bernard contends.
Finally, assess your own quality gaps and identify educational opportunities and interventions that are directly relevant to addressing those gaps, Grube suggests. Seek out substantive and in-depth short courses that offer a performance-improvement component, particularly if your goal is to change your team's behavior.
Education issues to address
It can be burdensome for staff to take either work or personal time out of their day to attend courses. Consider programs in which the instructor comes to your office to teach, either during lunch hour or immediately before or after hours. Online courses and e-learning that staff can complete at home are other time-saving options that can be accessed as needed so that skills remain fresh, says John A. Windsor, professor of surgery and head of the department of surgery at The University of Auckland in New Zealand.
Be sure to budget continuing education fees into the expenses of running an office. Consider it another cost of doing business that goes to strengthen the practice.
Have your staff turn in their continuing education hours for review every six months to make sure that they don't miss deadlines for licensure, says Sylvia Wildfire, an EMT and owner of On-Call Medic/CPR Plus in Thousand Oaks, Calif.
Learning styles
Some people are auditory learners, others are visual and still others are kinesthetic and need hands-on learning. Provide different educational formats for different types of learners whenever possible to allow all employees to benefit.Please visit the original article published by Carrie Roosenfeld of Medical Office Today.
Dr. Darm, AMNW Segment: Laserlift with Dr. Darm
Laserlift with Dr. Darm
April 07, 2011
Laserlift is Dr. Darm's most popular treatment for fine lines, deep wrinkles, pore size, dark circles and overall skin texture. Janice Bangs went to Aesthetic Medicine to find out from Dr. Darm how it works.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Dr. Darm, Love the Skin You’re In – with Sunscreen by AlwaysNewYou
by AlwaysNewYou
While we don’t have much say in what type of skin we were given, we do have a choice in how we take care of the skin that we have. Taking care of our skin and protecting it from the sun is definitely the best way to show how much we love the skin we’re in.
Our expert contributor shares with us today about the importance of screening our skin from the sun. Dr. Darm discusses with us the effects that sun damage can have on our skin and how to avoid it.
“Sun Damage can occur through direct sunlight or by over exposure in a tanning booth. A small amount of sun is beneficial and activates vitamin D in the skin which helps make strong bones and teeth. Over exposure causes premature aging, wrinkles, loss of elasticity, brownish spots know as “age spots” or “liver spots” and several types of cancer. Even dark skin can be damaged by the sun, but very light skin is the most vulnerable.
Ultraviolet light liberates a “free radical” in the skin which leads to damage to the DNA in the cells. These cells can then produce an overabundance of melanin (brownish skin pigment) which can initially produce tanning, but later yields enlarged brownish areas. The over exposure can also lead to several types of skin cancers including melanomas. Sunburn accelerates these changes and is even more dangerous than constant tanning. Use sunscreen with both UVA and UVB protection and limit your exposure to the sun.”
Dr. Darm, Medical Director, Aesthetic Medicine
Visit the original article:
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Dr. Darm hosted Sclerotherapy Training by Terri Harper, RN, BSN
On Friday, September 23rd, 2011 Aesthetic Medicine, Dr. Darm’s office hosted a full day of Sclerotherapy training for Aesthetic Advancements. The instructor, Ms. Terri Harper RN, BSN, who is the Clinical Director, of Spa Medical Vein Specialists of the South, LLC. Ms. Harper lectured on Sclerotherapy and covered the lower extremities. The staff had the opportunity to have hands on utilizing various technique methods. At Aesthetic Medicine, Dr. Darm believes in every opportunity for continued ongoing staff training. Please see Aesthetic Medicine's before and after pictures.
Dr. Darm, Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure Sponsors' Page

Dr. Darm medically-supervised weight loss programs have been extremely effective, proven with a large number of patients over the years. Please have a look at our programs and contact us with your questions.
Low Calorie Diet (LCD)
· 5 or more nutritionally balanced meal replacements a day
· Weekly medical supervision during the first month and once a month thereafter
· Weekly class or dietitian/nutritionist visit (Additional cost for individual appointments)
· Weekly medical check-in
· Monthly lab work
· Monthly body composition analysis
Healthy Solutions (HS)
· 2 or more nutritionally balanced meal replacements, 2 entrees, 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day
· Weekly medical supervision during the first month and once a month thereafter
· Weekly class or dietitian/nutritionist visit (Additional coast for individuals appointments)
· Weekly medical check-in
· Quarterly lab work
· Monthly body composition analysis
During the first three weeks you will meet individually with the physician and a dietitian to establish you in the program. The fourth week you will be enrolled in the educational classes. During your weekly visits you will receive information from our dietitian to guide you toward permanent lifestyle changes, as well as physician supervision and monitoring of appetite control.
Visit Dr. Darm Weight Loss for more information or call (503) 697 9777 for a free consultation.
Click here to view photos from the 20th Annual Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure on September 18, 2011.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Dr. Darm, Oregon Humane Society Raffle and Pet Contest

Enter Dr. Darm's Oregon Humane Society Raffle and Pet Contest to win Laserlift and more!
A $5 donation to the Oregon Humane Society enters you into a raffle to win a grand prize of a $3,000 LASERLIFT procedure from Aesthetic Medicine and other great prizes.
The more you give, the more chances you have to win and all proceeds benefit the Oregon Humane Society.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Dr. Darm Testimonials Lipolift III - Irene
Dr. Darm's Lipolift III (Laser Lipolysis) is a trademark procedure for treating fat and cellulite for safe and effective body reshaping and resizing.
Lipolift III, known as the Laser Lipolysis (laser-assisted liposuction) offers a minimally invasive body sculpting solution that safely "melts" fat away with less pain, less downtime and consistent aesthetic results. The laser is slipped through a very small hole in the skin and passed back and forth while it slowly dissolves the fat and destroys the fat cells. The melted fat is then gently sucked out through a small cannula. Treatment areas include abdomen, flanks, back, arms, neck, and thighs.
Call us today at (503) 697 9777 for a free consultation or visit for more information.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Dr. Darm: Portland Women's Show 2011 has been cancelled
We were recently notified that this year’s Portland Women’s Show has officially been canceled. The notification explained that they were unable to boost sponsorship for this year. The show was scheduled for October 14th – October 16th, 2011 at the Oregon Convention Center. We regret that we will be unable to socialize with our friends and offer free consultations. We are hopeful that next year will be a better year for exhibitors and the show will continue as it has in the past. We look forward to seeing you next year.
Dr. Darm, Aesthetic Medicine is one of the exhibitors of the Portland Women's Show.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Dr. Darm, Gallery of Photos from the Susan Komen Race for the Cure
Gallery of photos from the 20th Annual Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in Portland, Oregon.
Portland held their 20th Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure based in Tom McCall Waterfront Park, runners and walkers helped earn over a million dollars for the fight against breast cancer.
Dr. Darm is a proud platinum sponsor of the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Dr. Darm and the 20th Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in Portland
Portland held their 20th Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure based in Tom McCall Waterfront Park, runners and walkers helped earn over a million dollars for the fight against breast cancer.
Dr. Darm is a proud platinum sponsor of the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure.
Dr. Darm & Aesthetic Medicine Just Made Our Day
Dr. Darm & Aesthetic Medicine Just Made Our Day
…and the days of Portland’s animals!
We’ve brought you news of specials & events at Aesthetic Medicine, but this isn’t about that… this is about something that touches our hearts… they’ve just announced their membership to the Thomas Lamb Eliot Circle of the Oregon Humane Society (OHS). This prestigious circle includes individuals, businesses and organizations who make a significant annual contribution to the OHS.
This is for big-time donors, and we love to hear that businesses we respect are giving back to our community—especially to our four-legged friends.
They’re also having some fun!
You can send them photos of your own furry bestie for their Pet Contest. They’ll post the photos & bios on their Facebook Page!
And they’ll have a team in the Oregon Humane Society’s Doggie Dash, which will raise money for OHS, as well as providing Doggie Bandanas and fresh homemade cookies for furry friends to help celebrate Halloween at OHS.
And finally, you can enter a raffle for just $5.00 to be entered to win a $3000 LaserLift procedure (for yourself—not your dog), and all proceeds will go to the Oregon Humane Society.
Way to go, Aesthetic Medicine!
For more info, visit: Oregon Humane Society & on Dr. Darm’s blog, and click here to see photos of Dr. Darm at OHS.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Dr. Darm visits the Oregon Humane Society
Dr. Darm visits the Oregon Humane Society on September 16, 2011.
Goals of the Oregon Humane Society:
- Raise awareness about the plight of homeless companion animals throughout the state;
- Inspire over 11,000 kids (K-12) per year with values-based educational techniques
- Investigate and solve approximately 1000 cruelty cases each year;
- Support animal welfare organizations throughout the Pacific Northwest and low performing shelters in California through our Second Chance program, i.e. 1000’s of pets come to OHS from overwhelmed shelters, due to insufficient adopters and lack of space; and
- Build a more compassionate community
Press Release:
Dr. Darm and Aesthetic Medicine Proudly Annunce their Support of the Oregon Humane Society
Dr. Darm, Aesthetic Medicine, are proud to announce their support of the Oregon Humane Society (OHS) and membership to the OHS Thomas Lamb Eliot Circle. In addition, to supporting the vital daily operations of the Oregon Humane Society, Dr. Darm and Aesthetic Medicine will sponsor the Doggie Dash 2012, OHS's largest annual Fun Run, Walk and Festival at Portland's Waterfront Park.
Portland, OR (PRWEB) September 16, 2011
Dr. Darm and Aesthetic Medicine today announce their membership to the Thomas Lamb Eliot Circle of the Oregon Humane Society (OHS). This prestigious circle includes individuals, businesses and organizations, who make a significant annual contribution to the OHS. Thomas Lamb Eliot was the founder of the OHS. In 1868, he gathered 12 prominent Oregonians - principally from the business community - to form what would be the third animal welfare organization in the country.
Each year the Oregon Humane Society raises awareness about the plight of homeless animals throughout the state; inspires over 11,000 school-age children with their values-based educational programming; and investigates and solves approximately 1000 animal cruelty cases. In addition to the support of animals in the Portland metro area, OHS funds provide assistance to a network of other regional animal welfare organizations that are overcrowded -- this in turn offers a second chance at adoption for thousands of pets from overwhelmed shelters.
"The Oregon Humane Society has been a leader in the field of animal welfare not only in Oregon but in the United States," said Dr. Darm. "We are proud to join the ranks of other committed Oregon individuals, and businesses to increase the capacity of the Oregon Humane Society to protect some of our societies most vulnerable creatures."
The OHS now serves over 11,000 animals each year. They have a competent staff of over 120 and a committed volunteer force of over 1,400. Just over 10 years ago, OHS opened the doors to a new state-of-the-art facility that stands on the site of the old shelter. The new shelter has the capacity to house over 200 cats and well over 100 dogs and has a save rate of 96 percent on all pets.
"I have always been impressed with the Oregon Humane Society's commitment to not only protect animals but to build a more compassionate community," said Dr. Darm. "Through the adoption of homeless pets, through their tireless commitment to animal rights legislation, humane education, and abuse investigation, the Oregon Humane Society is a true steward of animals and animal welfare in our community."
For the original version on PRWeb visit:
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Dr. Darm Testimonials Lipolift III - Bob
Actual patients sharing their wonderful experience. Results may vary.
Dr. Darm's Lipolift III (Laser Lipolysis) is a trademark procedure for treating fat and cellulite for safe and effective body reshaping and resizing.
Lipolift III, known as the Laser Lipolysis (laser-assisted liposuction) offers a minimally invasive body sculpting solution that safely "melts" fat away with less pain, less downtime and consistent aesthetic results. The laser is slipped through a very small hole in the skin and passed back and forth while it slowly dissolves the fat and destroys the fat cells. The melted fat is then gently sucked out through a small cannula. Treatment areas include abdomen, flanks, back, arms, neck, and thighs.
Call us today at (503) 697 9777 for a free consultation or visit for more information.
Lose 30 to 60 lbs in 3 to 6 months with medically-supervised weight loss at Dr. Darm's Medical Weight Management at Aesthetic Medicine in Portland, Oregon.
Dr. Darm is a proud Platinum partner of ‘Susan G. Komen for the Cure’.
Dr. Darm is a proud sponsor of KEX Kids Funds.
Dr. Darm is a proud sponsor of the American Cancer Society “Relay for Life”.
Dr. Darm, Aesthetic Medicine + Oregon Humane Society
Saving lives, building more compassionate communities throughout Oregon.
Press Releases:
Dr. Darm and Aesthetic Medicine offer Training by Leading Plastic Surgeon Dr. John JosephDr. Darm’s Press Release on the latest breakthrough device for non-surgical fat reduction.
Dr. Darm on Yahoo! News
Dr. Darm on CNBC
Helping out is a good thing especially when it comes to the cure
Dr. Darm Testimonials Lipolift III - Cheryl
Actual patients sharing their wonderful experience. Results may vary.
Dr. Darm's Lipolift III (Laser Lipolysis) is a trademark procedure for treating fat and cellulite for safe and effective body reshaping and resizing.
Lipolift III, known as the Laser Lipolysis (laser-assisted liposuction) offers a minimally invasive body sculpting solution that safely "melts" fat away with less pain, less downtime and consistent aesthetic results. The laser is slipped through a very small hole in the skin and passed back and forth while it slowly dissolves the fat and destroys the fat cells. The melted fat is then gently sucked out through a small cannula. Treatment areas include abdomen, flanks, back, arms, neck, and thighs.
Call us today at (503) 697 9777 for a free consultation or visit for more information.
Lose 30 to 60 lbs in 3 to 6 months with medically-supervised weight loss at Dr. Darm's Medical Weight Management at Aesthetic Medicine in Portland, Oregon.
Dr. Darm is a proud Platinum partner of ‘Susan G. Komen for the Cure’.
Dr. Darm is a proud sponsor of KEX Kids Funds.
Dr. Darm is a proud sponsor of the American Cancer Society “Relay for Life”.
Dr. Darm, Aesthetic Medicine + Oregon Humane Society
Saving lives, building more compassionate communities throughout Oregon.
Press Releases:
Dr. Darm and Aesthetic Medicine offer Training by Leading Plastic Surgeon Dr. John JosephDr. Darm’s Press Release on the latest breakthrough device for non-surgical fat reduction.
Dr. Darm on Yahoo! News
Dr. Darm on CNBC
Helping out is a good thing especially when it comes to the cure
Dr. Darm Testimonials Lipolift III - Sabine
Actual patients sharing their wonderful experience. Results may vary.
Dr. Darm's Lipolift III (Laser Lipolysis) is a trademark procedure for treating fat and cellulite for safe and effective body reshaping and resizing.
Lipolift III, known as the Laser Lipolysis (laser-assisted liposuction) offers a minimally invasive body sculpting solution that safely "melts" fat away with less pain, less downtime and consistent aesthetic results. The laser is slipped through a very small hole in the skin and passed back and forth while it slowly dissolves the fat and destroys the fat cells. The melted fat is then gently sucked out through a small cannula. Treatment areas include abdomen, flanks, back, arms, neck, and thighs.
Call us today at (503) 697 9777 for a free consultation or visit for more information.
Lose 30 to 60 lbs in 3 to 6 months with medically-supervised weight loss at Dr. Darm's Medical Weight Management at Aesthetic Medicine in Portland, Oregon.
Dr. Darm is a proud Platinum partner of ‘Susan G. Komen for the Cure’.
Dr. Darm is a proud sponsor of KEX Kids Funds.
Dr. Darm is a proud sponsor of the American Cancer Society “Relay for Life”.
Dr. Darm, Aesthetic Medicine + Oregon Humane Society
Saving lives, building more compassionate communities throughout Oregon.
Press Releases:
Dr. Darm and Aesthetic Medicine offer Training by Leading Plastic Surgeon Dr. John JosephDr. Darm’s Press Release on the latest breakthrough device for non-surgical fat reduction.
Dr. Darm on Yahoo! News
Dr. Darm on CNBC
Helping out is a good thing especially when it comes to the cure
Dr. Darm Testimonials Lipolift III - Joanne
Actual patients sharing their wonderful experience. Results may vary.
Dr. Darm's Lipolift III (Laser Lipolysis) is a trademark procedure for treating fat and cellulite for safe and effective body reshaping and resizing.
Lipolift III, known as the Laser Lipolysis (laser-assisted liposuction) offers a minimally invasive body sculpting solution that safely "melts" fat away with less pain, less downtime and consistent aesthetic results. The laser is slipped through a very small hole in the skin and passed back and forth while it slowly dissolves the fat and destroys the fat cells. The melted fat is then gently sucked out through a small cannula. Treatment areas include abdomen, flanks, back, arms, neck, and thighs.
Call us today at (503) 697 9777 for a free consultation or visit for more information.
Lose 30 to 60 lbs in 3 to 6 months with medically-supervised weight loss at Dr. Darm's Medical Weight Management at Aesthetic Medicine in Portland, Oregon.
Dr. Darm is a proud Platinum partner of ‘Susan G. Komen for the Cure’.
Dr. Darm is a proud sponsor of KEX Kids Funds.
Dr. Darm is a proud sponsor of the American Cancer Society “Relay for Life”.
Dr. Darm, Aesthetic Medicine + Oregon Humane Society
Saving lives, building more compassionate communities throughout Oregon.
Press Releases:
Dr. Darm and Aesthetic Medicine offer Training by Leading Plastic Surgeon Dr. John JosephDr. Darm’s Press Release on the latest breakthrough device for non-surgical fat reduction.
Dr. Darm on Yahoo! News
Dr. Darm on CNBC
Helping out is a good thing especially when it comes to the cure
Dr. Darm Testimonials Lipolift III - Sharyl
Actual patients sharing their wonderful experience. Results may vary.
Dr. Darm's Lipolift III (Laser Lipolysis) is a trademark procedure for treating fat and cellulite for safe and effective body reshaping and resizing.
Lipolift III, known as the Laser Lipolysis (laser-assisted liposuction) offers a minimally invasive body sculpting solution that safely "melts" fat away with less pain, less downtime and consistent aesthetic results. The laser is slipped through a very small hole in the skin and passed back and forth while it slowly dissolves the fat and destroys the fat cells. The melted fat is then gently sucked out through a small cannula. Treatment areas include abdomen, flanks, back, arms, neck, and thighs.
Call us today at (503) 697 9777 for a free consultation or visit for more information.
Lose 30 to 60 lbs in 3 to 6 months with medically-supervised weight loss at Dr. Darm's Medical Weight Management at Aesthetic Medicine in Portland, Oregon.
Dr. Darm is a proud Platinum partner of ‘Susan G. Komen for the Cure’.
Dr. Darm is a proud sponsor of KEX Kids Funds.
Dr. Darm is a proud sponsor of the American Cancer Society “Relay for Life”.
Dr. Darm, Aesthetic Medicine + Oregon Humane Society
Saving lives, building more compassionate communities throughout Oregon.
Press Releases:
Dr. Darm and Aesthetic Medicine offer Training by Leading Plastic Surgeon Dr. John JosephDr. Darm’s Press Release on the latest breakthrough device for non-surgical fat reduction.
Dr. Darm on Yahoo! News
Dr. Darm on CNBC
Helping out is a good thing especially when it comes to the cure
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Dr. Darm Botox Leading Provider
For more information visit or call at (1-888) 697 9717 for a free consultation.
Lose 30 to 60 lbs in 3 to 6 months with medically-supervised weight loss at Dr. Darm's Medical Weight Management at Aesthetic Medicine in Portland, Oregon.
Dr. Darm is a proud Platinum partner of ‘Susan G. Komen for the Cure’.
Dr. Darm is a proud sponsor of KEX Kids Funds.
Dr. Darm is a proud sponsor of the American Cancer Society “Relay for Life”.
Dr. Darm, Aesthetic Medicine + Oregon Humane Society
Saving lives, building more compassionate communities throughout Oregon.
Press Releases:
Dr. Darm and Aesthetic Medicine offer Training by Leading Plastic Surgeon Dr. John JosephDr. Darm’s Press Release on the latest breakthrough device for non-surgical fat reduction.
Dr. Darm on Yahoo! News
Dr. Darm on CNBC
Helping out is a good thing especially when it comes to the cure
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Dr. Darm and Aesthetic Medicine Offer Training by Leading Plastic Surgeon Dr. John Joseph
Aesthetic Medicine, in cooperation with Medicis Pharmaceutical, will host Dr. Joseph from Beverly Hills, CA. Dr. Joseph will speak about his experiences with some of Medicis pharmaceuticals aesthetic products, Dysport and Restylane.
Portland, OR (PRWEB) September 07, 2011
Aesthetic Medicine has partnered with Medicis Pharmaceuticals to bring Dr. John Joseph to Portland, OR. Dr. Joseph will be visiting Dr. Darm’s practice to speak on behalf of Medicis Pharmaceuticals products -- Dysport and Restylane. Dr. John H. Joseph is a Facial Plastic Surgeon who has a prominent practice in Beverly Hills, CA and is an Assistant Clinical Professor at UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine.
“Dr. Joseph has extensive knowledge and experience with Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery,” said Dr. Jerry Darm. “He is truly a leader in this field.”
Dr. Joseph received his undergraduate degree in Biology from the University of Illinois. His medical school training and General Surgery internship were obtained from the University of Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago. Joseph is board certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology, scoring in the top 3% nationally. Throughout his career, Dr. Joseph has published many research papers, and presented at numerous national medical events.
“There are some doctors who are great speakers and some that are great teachers -- Dr. Joseph is both,” said Dr. Darm. “In fact, Dr. Joseph has been awarded the UCLA Teaching Award twice.”
The training is also being sponsored by Medicis Pharmaceutical. Medicis has introduced one of the first competitors to Botox -- Dysport. Dysport is growing in popularity and Dr. Joseph will offer training and answer questions about the product including the efficacy of the product, comparison to other products, dosage comparison and Dysport adverse effects.
About Aesthetic Medicine
Dr. Darm opened Aesthetic Medicine, in 1995. Initially specializing in weight loss, he expanded to include hair removal and rosacea treatments in 1997. Since that time, new services have been added yearly to promote health, wellness and beauty. Dr. Darm has pioneered his own trademark procedure, LaserLift™ for the treatment of wrinkles, and LipoLift™ for the treatment of unwanted fat and cellulite. He is internationally recognized and sought out by patients from all over the world. Dr. Darm graduated from Stanford University with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. His medical training was obtained at OHSU.
For more information visit or call at (1-888) 697 9717 for a free consultation.
Lose 30 to 60 lbs in 3 to 6 months with medically-supervised weight loss at Dr. Darm's Medical Weight Management at Aesthetic Medicine in Portland, Oregon.
Dr. Darm is a proud Platinum partner of ‘Susan G. Komen for the Cure’.
Dr. Darm is a proud sponsor of KEX Kids Funds.
Dr. Darm is a proud sponsor of the American Cancer Society “Relay for Life”.
Dr. Darm, Aesthetic Medicine + Oregon Humane Society
Saving lives, building more compassionate communities throughout Oregon.
Press Releases:
Dr. Darm and Aesthetic Medicine offer Training by Leading Plastic Surgeon Dr. John JosephDr. Darm’s Press Release on the latest breakthrough device for non-surgical fat reduction.
Dr. Darm on Yahoo! News
Dr. Darm on CNBC
Helping out is a good thing especially when it comes to the cure