Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dr. Darm, Mid-face Lift Surgery at Aesthetic Medicine in Lake Oswego, OR

Dr. Jerry Darm, of Aesthetic Medicine, along with patient Pam Hurley, joined us today to explain how the MiniLift™ can take 10 years off of your appearance.

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MiniLift™ is a revolutionary facial procedure* designed to take years off your appearance. MiniLift™ tightens the skin eliminating wrinkles and lines to give you the younger healthier look you deserve. As people age, the effects of gravity, sun exposure, pollution, smoking and stresses of daily life can be seen in their faces. Deep creases form between the nose and mouth; the jaw lines grow slack and jowly; and folds and fat deposits appear around the neck.

A facelift can’t stop this aging process but it can “set back the clock,” by improving the most visible signs of aging. This is accomplished by removing excess fat, tightening the underlying muscles, and then re-draping the skin. A facelift can be done alone, or in conjunction with other procedures such as a forehead lift, eyelid surgery, nose reshaping, LipoFill™, etc.

The technique has evolved from simple tightening of the skin, to tightening and re-positioning of deeper structures like muscle and connective tissues, whereby the skin “comes along for the ride.” This “deep plane” or “composite” facelift is considered by many to be the best procedure to create a natural look (not “windblown”) and its’ effects last longer. The goal is to achieve a natural “you look great” appearance, rather than, “I see you had a facelift.”

Deep folds alongside the nose, sagging skin, and jowls may be present at any age. Candidates for facelift procedures can be as young as twenty and my oldest patient was a healthy eighty-four year old. Aging does not stop with surgery but “turning back the clock” can delay its’ appearance. The length of time, these improvements will last, depends on genetics, habits, and skin protection.

Facelifts are very individualized procedures. In your initial consultation, the surgeon will evaluate your face, including the skin and underlying bone. It is important to discuss what goals you wish to achieve from surgery. Certain medical conditions may cause problems during or after surgery. Uncontrolled high blood pressure, blood clotting problems, or the tendency to form excessive scars are some examples. Be sure to tell the surgeon if you smoke, take any drugs or medications, especially aspirin, or other drugs that affect clotting.

The surgeon will give you specific instructions on how to prepare for surgery and to stop or avoid certain vitamins and medications. Carefully following these instructions will help surgery go smoothly. If you smoke, it’s especially helpful to stop at least a week or two before and after surgery, if possible. Smoking inhibits blood flow to the skin, and can interfere with the healing of your incision areas.

A facelift usually takes 2.5 hours under conscious sedation anesthesia although it can be longer if you’re having more than one procedure done. General anesthesia is not necessary. Incisions usually begin above the hairline at the temples; extend in a natural line hidden just inside the cartilage at the front of the ear (for men the incision would be outside the ear), and continue behind the ear to the scalp. If the Necklift is included, a small incision may also be made under the chin.

In the vast majority of cases it is not necessary to use a general anesthesia. We use a conscious sedation (a type of twilight sedation) whereby you are up and ready to go home after your procedure.

There usually isn’t significant discomfort after surgery. If there is, it can be lessened with the pain medication prescribed by the surgeon. Severe or persistent pain or sudden swelling of your face should be reported to the surgeon immediately. Some numbness of the skin is quite normal and it should disappear within a few weeks or months. You will be instructed to keep your head elevated and decrease your activity level for a couple of days after surgery, to keep the swelling to a minimum. Bandages will be removed after two days and showering is possible. Don’t be surprised at the pale, bruised and puffy face you see. Just keep in mind that in a few weeks you will be looking normal.

You should be up and about in a day or two, but plan on taking it easy for the first week after surgery. The risk of bleeding under the skin, requiring a return visit to the operating room to treat the hematoma (blood collection) is at the highest during the first week. Since there is little pain and boredom sets in, you must resist the temptation to be too active! The surgeon will give more specific guidelines for gradually resuming your normal activities. They’re likely to include these suggestions: avoid driving a car for 1 week and strenuous activity, including sex and heavy housework, for at least two weeks. Avoid steam baths and saunas for several months. Above all, get plenty of rest and allow your body to spend its energy on healing. At the beginning, your features may be distorted from the swelling and your facial movements may be slightly stiff. Some bruising may persist for two or three weeks, and you may tire easily. By the third week, you’ll look and feel much better. Most patients are back to work within ten days to two weeks after surgery. Any bruising that remains may be covered by special camouflage makeup.

To learn more about the MiniLift, visit or call 503-697-9777 to schedule a free consultation.