Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) is the removal of loose, excess skin and fat of the lower abdomen. The "tummy tuck” is frequently performed after the completion of pregnancies. Following childbirth, the stretched skin and muscle rarely returns completely back to normal. Skin may hang, abdominal muscles may be slack and provide less back support, and neither can be improved by exercise. Stretch marks are removed, only where the skin is excised. Any remaining stretch marks may be diminished with laser treatments.
Other patients, who have excess skin as the result from weight-loss surgery, or diet and exercise, can benefit from removing the “apron of skin.”

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For those who have a lesser degree of lower abdominal skin and fat, but are not candidates for liposuction alone, or a full Abdominoplasty, the LipoLift™ is available and very effective.
The “mini-abdominoplasty” excises the skin and fat below the umbilicus (belly-button). It requires a smaller incision and allows for a rapid recovery (frequently, less than one week). Another approach uses a small vertical incision above the pubic hairline. The approach that is used is tailored to fit with the patient’s needs and desires.
These procedures are performed as an outpatient - discomfort is minimal; patients are encouraged to avoid prolonged bed rest. Incisions are tailored so they may be concealed by clothing or swimwear. You’re encouraged to bring a favorite swim suit on the morning of surgery to assist in the placement of incisions. Normal activities can be resumed a week or two after surgery.
In the vast majority of cases it is not necessary to use general anesthesia. We use conscious sedation (a type of twilight sedation) whereby you are up and ready to go home after your procedure.
You’re likely to feel tired and sore for a few days, but you’ll be expected to be up and about within twenty-four hours. Most of your discomfort will be controlled by the medication prescribed. Your scars will be firm and pink, for at least six weeks, but after several months of healing, they will begin to fade.
For four days following surgery, you are encouraged to be out of bed, but remain housebound. By the end of the first week, you will be able to drive a car short distances and do light activities, and depending on the level of activity required to do your job, you should be able to return to work. After two weeks, you can do everything but strenuous activity. Aerobic exercise can usually begin between four to six weeks after surgery.